• Brian Rubach - Master Chemist, Pharmagenx President & Founder

    by Brian Rubach
    on January 10, 2014
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     My passion comes from a lifetime of study, experience, and experimentation. I’m often asked why I’m so passionate about my goal of creating the highest quality and most effective supplements on the market. My passion comes from a lifetime of study, experience, and experimentation. I accomplished my goal by learning everything I could about how the body performs and how supplements can enhance that performance. I’ve realized my dream. I love what I’ve built and I want you to be a part of it. My Body Building Career While attending college at the State University of New York College...

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  • NT Sciences™- Neuromuscular Modulation - Without it nothing matters!

    by Brian Rubach
    on January 06, 2014
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    Without the nervous system nothing else happens.. no growth.. no Nitric oxide..  no increase in hormones..  no pump.. no workout.. no movement.  Everything else is secondary to the firing of the nervous system.  Without it you simply don’t grow, because you don’t move.  NT Sciences™ is Pharmagenx’s feverish pursuit of developing supplements that can facilitate neuromuscular activity during exercise, and support nervous system health and recovery. My Pain Your Gain! My brain was awakened to the utmost importance of the nervous system in August 2012.  You see, I just completed and won the Light Heavy Class at the 2012 N.P.C...

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  • Lipothermic® Effect - Burn Fat Not Muscle.

    by Brian Rubach
    on December 05, 2013
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    Lipothermic is a registered trade mark of Pharmagenx, so you won’t see this definition anywhere else. We came up with it to describe a unique effect that we believe is the cornerstone to fat loss supplements. We describe Lipothermics as a property of a substance to repartition the energy usage during activity, resulting in a larger percentage of the total calories burnt during exercise from fat. They also have a prolonged effect after exercise; in which they increase E.P.O.C. (excess post exercise oxygen consumption.). Lipothermics are especially good during HIIT and HIRT type training, increasing the energy from fat, while...

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  • Thermogenics vs. Lipothermics. Which One Will Help the Body Burn More Fat?

    by Brian Rubach
    on December 05, 2013
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    Burning Fat: Why Dieting and Working Out May Not Be Enough Regular exercise and a healthy diet have long been the doctor's orders when trying to achieve a fit body. It sounds simple enough, but there are other factors at play that make fat loss a challenging and complicated goal. For instance, there is the dreaded "weight loss plateau." As explained by Dulloo (1993) in his paper on obesity management, your body reacts to reduced food intake and weight loss by slowing down its metabolism. This energy- sparing mechanism (adaptive thermogenesis) explains why you suddenly stop losing weight after a...

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  • The Science Behind Pharmagenx SEO™ Natural Oils

    by Brian Rubach
    on December 05, 2013
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    Pharmagenx has created a new class of dietary supplements with formulas and delivery systems that are scientifically developed to give you the lasting results you demand. Whether you take supplements to build lean muscle mass, recover quickly, or increase your overall level of fitness, you deserve supplements that optimize your workout or fitness routine. If you notice that you aren’t getting the results you expect, it’s not your fault. Blame your old supplements. The problem with most dietary supplements on the market is that your body can’t easily absorb their formulas. When you take them, even though you’re following the...

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  • Brian Rubach - My passion comes from a lifetime of study, experience, and experimentation.

    by Brian Rubach
    on December 05, 2013
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    I’m often asked why I’m so passionate about my goal of creating the highest quality and most effective supplements on the market. My passion comes from a lifetime of study, experience, and experimentation. I accomplished my goal by learning everything I could about how the body performs and how supplements can enhance that performance. I’ve realized my dream. I love what I’ve built and I want you to be a part of it. My Body Building Career While attending college at the State University of New York College at Brockport I joined the swimming team. I was a skinny 140...

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Recent articles

Brian Rubach - Master Chemi...

January 10, 2014

 My passion comes from a lifetime of study, experience, and experimentation. I’m often asked why I’m so passionate about...

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NT Sciences™- Neuromuscular...

January 06, 2014

Without the nervous system nothing else happens.. no growth.. no Nitric oxide..  no increase in hormones..  no pump.. no workout.....

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January 02, 2014

Three sets of jump squats is an excellent way to round off your leg-muscle training. According to sports scientists at...

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